I'm not sure how it happened.
All I can remember is him being 12 months old the first time I took him to the UK, OMG he was so heavy , I couldn't carry him !! Heathrow is a nightmare traveling alone with A kid.
I did what any good mother would do ;) I noticed a man working on some airport renovations, I politely tapped him on the shoulder and said , " please carry my kid to the terminal & I'll pay you 20 pounds . He smiled , scooped Curtis up and carried him the entire way . He wouldn't take the money . I find myself thinking of that man today , wishing I could just say to him " OMG he's driving now , all we did was go on a couple flights, have a few dinners, few report cards, couple hockey games, vacations, naps & adventures! How is this all possible ! "
All I did was blink my eyes.
So , my son , he can drive now . And he could have driven me anywhere on the Avalon on our first little day out together. This is where he took me . I had never been before and to be there with him and my girl for the first time was magical .